How To Have A Tract Ministry
I hope what you read on this page will encourage you to become a laborer for
the Lord. Perhaps you have been looking for that special way in which God
would use you to witness. Maybe He is directing you now through this message
to become a part of a gospel tract ministry. Why not begin today and let God
use you to help lead others to Christ!
What Is A Tract?
A tract is a short, simple presentation of the gospel message, printed in
convenient pocket size, designed for easy distribution and use. There is
probably no easier, more convenient way to share the Good News of Jesus
Christ than through the use of gospel tracts. Many people have been led to
Christ in this way.
Consider these features of such a ministy:
- There is no certain time or amount of time required - just whenever the
opportunity arises.
- Tracts can be left anywhere or shared with almost anyone.
- There are tracts for every occasion, for every need, and for every type of person.
- Tracts can be distributed by anyone, regardless of age, sex, race, or
- Tracts provide an easy way to "break the ice" or "open the door" to
- Tracts eliminate the problem of forgetfulness or uncertainty of what to
- The message, since it is printed, can be taken home, re-read and studied.
- Tracts can be passed along, and can therefore be used over and over again.
- Tracts can be mass distributed easily.
- Tracts are inexpensive and can be handed out liberally.
Keys To Success In Tract Evangelism
- Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy
Spirit and leaving the results to God. There is no substitute for prayer.
- Always have a variety of tracts available and be prepared to use them.
- Look for opportunities to use tracts. Take advantage of every situation.
- As in all things, be pleasant and polite in representing the Lord Jesus
- Do not become discouraged if you see few decisions at first. Remember:"So
shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto
Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in
the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11. "And let us not be weary in well
doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9. "One
soweth, and another reapeth." John 4:37.
- Distribute tracts plentifully and persistently. "He who soweth sparingly
shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also
bountifully." 2 Corinthians 9:6.
- Be sure to answer mail and telephone responses. Follow-up is an essential
part of evangelism. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature." Mark 16:15
How To Use Tracts
- The preferred method is to personally hand a tract to a person and at the
same time to witness with words like "May I share something with you?" or
"Let me ask you just one question." A few words of testimony may be helpful.
Simply reading the tract to a person will often be the best approach.
Give tracts to friends and acquaintances everywhere; strangers in restaurants
and grocery stores, bag boys and gas station attendants. Don't forget the
person on the bus or plane, the taxi driver, the parking lot attendant, and
the mail carrier. Include also the bank teller and door-to-door salesman.
- For one reason or another it may not be possible to talk with a particular person. In such a case, just hand them a tract and ask them to read this special message at their own convenience.
- Tracts can be handed out in shopping malls, parks, at sporting events and
other places where people congregate.
- Place tracts in all mail, including personal and business letters, bills,
statements, bank deposits, greeting cards, and packages. Send them to persons
known to be lost, those hopitalized and habitual church absentees. Also
include people who have lost loved ones, newlyweds and new arrivals. Include
God's Word in every occasion.
Remember Our Goal
Reach as many people as possible with the gospel, for "... repentance and
remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all nations..." Luke
24:47. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Romans 10:17.
Many, many who would never attend church nor open the Bible, will in fact,
read a tract. They will thereby hear the Word of God, and many will be saved.
Did You Know That:
- If one thousand people would each put out just fifty tracts per week, in
one year over 2.6 million tracts would be distributed!
- If one person would be saved for every one thousand tracts, 2600 souls
would be won to Christ during that year!
- Just minutes per day per person is required to hand out this many tracts!
"As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you."
John 20:21.
Suggestions For Conducting A Church Or Group Tract Ministry
- Elect a Director of Tract Evanglism to supervise the program.
- Encourage workers to make definite commitments to this ministry.
- Conduct initial training for all workers in how to witness with tracts.
- Conduct regular prayer sessions for the program.
- Obtain a wide variety of tract samples from different sources. There is a
host of tracts for every occasion and every kind of spiritual need. Select
appropriate tracts from among these and maintain sufficient quantity.
- Set aside funds on a continuing basis, if possible, to assist in the
ongoing expense of printing tracts or buying them.
- Stamp all tracts with address and telephone number for follow-up.
- Develop a follow-up, discipleship program for new Christians.
Follow up may also be done through correspondence courses. Please consider
putting a stamp on your tracts or a coupon inside your tracts for a free
correspondence course. A ministry which has correspondence courses in many
languages and is inexpensive is Source of Light Ministries.
- Acquire an attractive tract rack and place it in a heavy traffic area.
Keep it well stocked. Tract racks may be bought from the American Tract
- Have periodic meetings of all workers to share results and experiences.
Keep records of decisions made "for Christ".
"Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the
laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will
send forth laborers into His harvest."
Matthew 9:37-38
I hope this has helped you in your desire to form a tract ministry. Tracts
can be purchased at a Christian book store near you. Please also visit for a list of many tract ministries around the world.