What to Pray for When Using Tracts

What to pray for, and where in the Bible to find encouragement:

Boldness - Eph 6:18,19, Phil 1:14, Acts 9:26-29
Vision - "eyes to see" Jn 4:35, Pv. 29:18
Health & safety - Jn. 9:1-3, Ps.4:8, Deut. 33:12
Discernment - 1Kings 3:9-14, Dan. 7:15-16, 1Jn 4:1-6
Open Doors - Rev. 4:1, Col. 4:3, 1Cor. 16:9, Rev. 3:8, 2Cor 2:12
Words - Eph 6:18, Ecc12:10-11,1Cor 2:4
Favor - Job 10:12, Pv 12:2, Acts 2:47, Dan 1:9
Success 3 John 2
Encouragement - Luke 18:1
Power - Jer 23:29, Acts 1:8

This information is from the American Tract Society web site http://www.atstracts.org/using_tracts/

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular dvd, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact Brian at brianformissions@gmail.com


World Christian Tract Ministry
